Saturday, July 13, 2002



Any character type may select weaknesses, up to 3 each. Each weakness allows the character to gain another special power.

Creatures with his weakness may only use their powers during the night time. For shifters, this means that they are essentially normal humans during the day. For vampires, abyssal demons, or unseelie fae this has an even more potent effect, during the day they must sleep and cannot be roused at all unless they are attacked and even then have only normal human levels of strength and dexterity.

Creatures with his weakness may only use their powers during the day time. For Seelie fae, this not only prevents them from using powers, but forces them to sleep at night. Unseelie fae, vampires, and Abyssal demons cannot select this weakness.

Unwholesome Hunger
The character has the desire to feed on human flesh and blood. This hunger must be satisfied at least once a month of the character will begin to lose self control and will kill to sate their desires. In the case of vampires, it causes them to require a pint of blood every day instead of every week.

The character has been completely isolated from modern human society in some way. Perhaps the shifter has lived as a wolf his entire life or a vampire has recently awoken from a 100 year sleep and doesn't understand modern technology. In any case, the character will have trouble interacting with the modern world.

The hear after is truly good, kind, and generous. One of his or her primary motivations is to help others and make the world a better place. The ends do not justify the means however, the character will avoid violence, show mercy, and generally strive to help others even those who they find themselves at odds with. This is a common weakness for angels.

Lunacy (shifters only)
The character's powers are governed by the moon. During the full moon, the character must change shapes into animal or war form and is consumed by a desire to hunt and kill. During this time the shifter will do what ever it can to kill prey, though it will not attack its packmates, it will fight them if they try to prevent it from hunting.

The character is hated by others of its own kind in addition to what ever other enemies it should have according to its type.

Inhuman Form
The character looks completely inhuman and unnatural. It need not be ugly, it may be quite beautiful, but is apparently supernatural. This weakness is only available for beings that normally look human and may only be taken by a creature who is unable to disguise its true form, whether by illusion or shape changing.

The character has a strong dislike of technology. They will not use it or allow their underlings to, they will try to suppress the use of technology when ever they can. This may only be taken in a setting with more advanced technology than medieval.

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